Evan Billings
Graduate Student
Currently a postdoc with Filippo Mancia at Columbia University Medical Campus
Peihang Li
Undergrad Researcher
Currently a graduate student at Washington university in st. Louis
Aloke Bera
Research Associate
Currently in Purdue Department of Chemistry
Ravi Yadav
Graduate Student
Currently a post doc with Cornelius Gati at USC.
John Stambaugh
Undergrad Researcher
Graduated August 2022
Karl Lundquist
Postdoctoral Fellow
Currently part of a data science program in New York.
Michelle Mai
Undergrad Researcher
Currently applying to med school.
Punit Patel
Undergrad Researcher
Graduated Fall 2020.
Kristen Jones
Rotation student (BioSci)
Graduate student in Kuhn Lab
Manjari Lokender
Undergraduate Researcher
Will attend the IU School of Medicine.
Adrian Gonzalez
Undergraduate Researcher
Will attend graduate school fall 2019
Jeannine Toth
Undergraduate Researcher
Hannah Eikelburg
Former Undergraduate and
Lab Manager
Currently applying to med school
Pat Carmody
Undergraduate Reseacher
Currently in graduate school at Indiana University in the Dept of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Ferris Nimri
Undergraduate Reseacher much BME?
Oliver Shim
Undergraduate Reseacher
Richard Bekeris
Graduate Student MS
Currently a software developer position with National Indemnity Company in Omaha
Claire Overly
Graduate Student
Currently a postdoc with Philipp Erdmann at Human Technopole in Milan,Italy
Karthik Srinivasan
Graduate Student
Currently a post doc with Aashish Manglik at UCSF.
Runrun Wu
Graduate Student
Currently a post doc with Lora Hooper at UT Southwestern.
Rishabh Ghosh
Undergrad Researcher
Graduated May 2022
Bob Stephenson
Research Assistant
Currently a research associate at Inari Agriculture Inc.
Lindsey Wilson
Undergrad Researcher
Currently a student in the MD/PhD program at UMich.
James Wellnitz
Undergrad Researcher
Currently a graduate student at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Maxine Bi
Undergraduate Researcher
Currently a graduate student in the UCSF Biophysics program.
Devin Amos
SURF student
Graduated spring 2021
Srinivas Govidan
Undergraduate Researcher
Currently attending the St. Louis University School of Medicine.
Abby Gichaba
Undergraduate Researcher and SURF student
Currently attending the IU School of Medicine.
Vashi Negi
Rotation Student (BioSci)
Graduate student in Fekete/Kuhn labs
Indranil Mukherjee
Rotation Student (BioSci)
Graduate student in Chang Lab
Priyanka Ravuru
Undergraduate Reseacher
Graduated Dec 2018
Austin Campbell
Undergraduate Reseacher
Currently works at Eli Lilly