Jeremy and Patrick on trikes at APS


02/27|Congrats to Michelle for winning a poster award at the Antimicrobial Resistance Conference!

02/17|Congrats to Shubham for winning the Student Research Achievement Award at BPS!
​Shubham and other 36 students were selected from 150 participants to win this award for their outstanding poster presentation.

01/2|Congrats to Ashley on her admission to Georgetown University!
Ashley will be pursuing a M.S. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. We wish her the best in her new endeavors!
Srinivasan, K, Erramilli, SK, Chakravarthy, S, Gonzalez, A, Kossiakoff, A, Noinaj N. Characterization of synthetic antigen binding fragments targeting Toc75 for the isolation of TOC in A. thaliana and P. sativum. Structure. S0969-2126(23)00078-3. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2023.03.002.
Cottom, CO, Stephenson, R, Wilson, L, and Noinaj, N. (2023). Targeting BAM for Novel Therapeutics against Pathogenic Gram-Negative Bacteria. Antibiotics. 12(4), 679; DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics12040679
Greenawalt, A, Stoudenmire, J, Lundquist, K, Noinaj, N, Gumbart, J, and Cornelissen, C. (2022). Point Mutations in TbpA Abrogate Human Transferrin Binding in Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Infection and Immunity. 90(11):e0041422. DOI: 10.1128/iai.00414-2.
Mukherjee, I, Gabel, C, Noinaj, N, Bondy-Denomy, J, and Chang, L. (2022). Structural basis of AcrIF24 as an anti-CRISPR protein and transcriptional suppressor. Nature Chemical Biology. 18(12):1417-1424. DOI: 10.1038/s41589-022-01137-w
Bera, AK, Wu, R, Harrison, S, Cornelissen, CN, Chazin, WJ, and Noinaj, N. (2022). TdfH selectively binds metal-loaded tetrameric calprotectin for zinc import. Communications Biology. 5(1), 103. DOI: 10.1038/s42003-022-03039-y
Wu, R, Bakelar, JW, Lunquist, K, Zhang, Z, Kuo, KM, Ryoo, D, Pang, YT, Sun C, White, T, Klose, T, Jiang W, Gumbart, JC, and Noinaj, N. (2021). Plasiticty in the barrel doamin of BamA mediates a hybird-barrel mechanism by BAM. Nature Communications. 12(1) 7131 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-27449-4
Yadav, R, Govindan, S, Daczkowski, C, Mesecar, A, Chakravarthy, S, and Noinaj, N. (2021). Structural Insight into the dual function of LbpB in mediating Neisserial pathogenesis. eLife. 10:e71683. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.71683